Beluga - Your Localization Partner

This blog is about our company Beluga Linguistics, our daily work in the localization business, web services, Web 2.0 and language. Thanks for reading us.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Web Translate It - Perfect fit for Web 2.0 translations
This is the name of a cool web 2.0 service made by Édouard Brière and his company Atelier Convivialité. Here comes a introductory review of the tool.

"Web Translate It is a web-based computer-aided translation tool to collaboratively translate software."

...and that's what we  do with it on a daily basis. WTI (the abbreviation we internally use for it) is an online editor created to bring together all parts of a software translation process: translators, proofreaders, project managers and programmers. This service offers nice communication tools and a handy interface for translators and project managers to get things done fast and with high quality.

We know Édouard since the project where he was our technical counter part to deal with updates and interface requirements for a 14-language translation process. After he left we contacted Édouard to ask him if he would be able to build an editor for iBotanika and then he offered an editor as an independent web service. Well, no need to say that we loved his idea ;-). This was less than one year ago and today we have a fully functional web service, which by far has exceeded our expectations.

So how does it work?